Guide to Business Coaching UK

Whether you are a small start up, or a serial entrepreneur at some point on your business journey you will need some guidance, either to make big decisions, or to take action from a stuck place, or simply empowering your teams to greatness. This guide will help you know what is the best way.

Business Coaching UK

Whether you are a small business starting up, or a major player in the game, there will be a time when your own knowledge and understanding runs out, and you can benefit from my guidance. As someone who understands how to get the best out of people. Note not necessarily knows more about business than you, but knows more about people and performance, thats what I do, development, service, programmes, performance and your success.

Leaders and owners are often tied to work, struggle to make time for their life and always have a plan of what is happening, but there are just times when it makes sense to take a step back and allow someone else to guid you on your growth, coaching sessions can be a great way to do this.

Featured Podcast Episodes

These podcast episodes really cover many of the areas people come for business coaching on, how we create, how we get the best out of people and leadership.

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Guide to choosing the right business coach

This articles helps owners, business leaders, understand what coaching services can do, and how to find the right person that can drive you, or your vision forward. The Coaching work that I do is often different, and it is important to choose something that fits with your business success goals and someone that resonates with you.

If we are new to choosing the help you need, then you may think credentials, reputation, referral. Those are always good ways to check people out, but not necessarily the only way or the most important. Many terrible coaches have great credentials, and many great coaches don’t have masses of credentials, I have seen this in all areas of work. So whether you are a small business owner or a C-Suite executive, management or just starting up, this guide will help you make some decisions on who to work with.

Can you really get it wrong?

It may seem like a daunting task if it is on you to make the big decisions or to recommend someone, you have to do all your due diligence right? Make sure they are reputable, capable and have a proven track record, just to make sure it doesn’t fall back on you? Often I say to my clients, I hope you get what you want, but it comes in a totally different way than you think.
Many people want to buy coaching that they don’t fully understand, based on their current level of understanding of what coaching is, but what if that was wrong? It was not what you thought it was, and you missed the immense value it could bring because it did not fit with your imaginary kpi’s. This is why I always am willing to have a free conversation, to help see something different about what is on offer (there is always something more than you think)

How do you really find the right coach?

Check out this video where I highlight some key points, and what is really important!

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What is Business Coaching

You want support because you think business coaching will help your business or financial pursuits, but what is it, what do I actually do? I've heard many misrepresentations of what coaching is in my time, the most important one is that a business coach is not a mentor, they will not know more about your business field than you. I help bring out the best out in you, which in turn brings out the best business decisions, and movements in your process that will bring you the greatest outcomes. Understanding yourself on a deeper level is priceless, what you gain from coaching will serve you in all areas, for life.

Grow your business

If you are already an established business owner and are considering growing your business, or maybe you have found a few roadblocks in the scaling process, I can help you see more clearly the road ahead, to overcome challenges and make progress.

To change direction

If your business has had new potential, or you have an idea that you just want to share with the world, changing directions is a common experience, sometimes new insights come to life in the business lifecycle and sometimes needs must.

You want to scale up

Scaling can be tricky depending on your cash flow and connections. Whether you are creating something new or growing an already existing product or service, but either way business coaching can help you scale in a clearer way.

Master your life

It is not necessarily all about business, we can talk concepts, but the key here is you and your understanding. This coaching will spill into all areas of your life in a good way, it cant not, because it is about transformation, and that changes perspective.

Find your purpose

This is a common thread, people want to find that thing that pulls them towards it, where work feels effortless, and it's not like pushing water uphill, helping to get clear on your purpose will bring more joy and effortless success.

Grow your team

Growing your team can be a challenge, but it is great to understand and see clearly that you have everything you need and the team you grow will be a reflection of how well you know yourself. the challenges will be within.

Infinite Potential

You, your business, your experience of business has infinite potential, the only limitation is within your mind, I help you see the source of potential that allows you infinite growth.

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Why working with me is different

As you may have gathered so far, this coaching is not like your standard a to b coaching, or what I call shoe horning yourself from one place to another, as with that approach, you need a coach every time you come to a challenge, with this process you learn to understand and access your own utilities, your own infinite potential, your own creative spark and actualisation in the world of form. Take away the word business, and it is just a game of money people take way too seriously.

Business is not mean to rob you of your happiness, your children’s upbringing and your relationship, it is meant to be a fun adventure. Life is not happening at any point in the future, there is no future destination happiness, there is only the enjoyment of today, and living life in the now. This is different to most coaching because it bring you the happiness you seek right now, not later, it brings you the feeling of success every day, not when you exit your business, it allows you the opportunity to enjoy all your life, and realise what is important right now.

It is not for the feint hearted, if you really want someone who will pander to your needs then it will not be me. I care too much about people and knowing how great you are, I cannot overlook that and offer you advise. This coaching will change your life and your business. In fact it will change everything, it can’t not. All you have to do is show up, as you are. Are you open to discovering what you don’t know about yourself?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim. Morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque. Augue neque gravida in fermentum. Duis at tellus at urna condimentum. In arcu cursus euismod quis viverra. 
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim. Morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque. Augue neque gravida in fermentum. Duis at tellus at urna condimentum. In arcu cursus euismod quis viverra. 
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Why use our small business coaching services?

We equip you with all you need to to find every level of success you need, that may sound like a bold claim, but, we can claim this because we are not giving you anything you don't have already, we don't actually equip you, we help you see that you already have what you need. The most valuable relationship you will have is with yourself, the deeper and clearer this relationship is, the better your life will be. Transformative business coaching is a journey inwardly that lets you achieve outwardly in a completely different way to what you are used to.

Dedicated 1:1

You get to work with me, a dedicated one to one supporter who learns about you, what holds you up, what you want to achieve. I have built multiple 7 figure businesses over my time, but that is not what this is about, I have lots of coaching credentials, but that is also not what this is about either, this coaching is about you getting to know you, all your strengths and all your struggles. The most valuable relationship you can ever have.

For Entrepreneurs

Whether you are an entrepreneur, deeply in your creative processes or just starting off on this journey, there will be lots of hurdles along the way. I can guide you back inwardly to make clear decisions, to have more time in your life than you think is possible, so you are not taken away from the most important people, family and friends and left on your own.

For Small Businesses

Starting off your first business can be a daunting task, where to invest money, what parts to do yourself, is it safe to invest, will you get your money back, beyond what you can see, there are forces holding you back, based in your conditioning, the society, the family the religion, the community you grew up in will have passed on rules to you you cannot even seen, we help to unpick these, so you can make effortless progress.

For Executives

While working in a C-Suite position or executive in corporate business, you will inevitably at times need guidance from an executive coach. It may seem like there is a challenge with management, teams, or growth and responsibility but no one knows your position more than you. I will be like your tour guide, to help guide you back to yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no one size fits all answer for this, it depends on the size of your business, if we do workshops or one to one for all management or leadership teams and really how it works, the best thing with a not off the shelf package is, its tailored to what you need.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a c-suite executive, or a business startup it really doesn’t matter, you have everything you need, and you are at a crossroads, you need some guidance that is what you will get, to see clearly your next step and then to move forward from there. You will realise you have everything you need.

Depends what package you want to go for, some people just want 4 sessions, others want support for their team and management, and for themselves. I am open to creating a bespoke package, or have some basics starting at £1500. You can also book a strategy call to see if we are good fit, just let me know.

I always say to people, I hope you get what you want from this, but it comes about in a totally different way to what you think it will. I have had people come who hate their corportate job, want to be a coach or start their own business, but ended up loving their job in the end, due to what they have seen about themselves. Coaching will give you a unique and new perspective and the limitations are in your willingness to be with what is.

This coaching is not about time, it is about insight, it is what i call insight lead learning, an insight can happen in seconds, life changing. I have had multiple insights myself, and been with clients who have had them, so it’s a how long is a piece of string question. Depends how much you are set in your ways, open to hearing something new and willing to look where you are pointed.

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Find out if Business coaching is for you!

Schedule time to talk with me, have your questions answered and find out if relationship coaching is right for you.

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