Life Coaching

Life coaching is the process of two or more people participating in a relationship that promotes growth, seeing life differently, and having a better experience of life..

I help you understand how to get a clear mind, to get the life you really want, to dream big and eliminate limitations. Usually people who come to coaching have suffered in some way with a lack of understanding of how the mind works, which creates limitations

How life coaching can help

Do you want:

  • Life Coach can help you grow
  • Life Coaches help you understand yourself
  • Understand the truth about personal development
  • To have strong personal and professional goals?
  • To be clear in your personal life and relationships
  • To spend more time with your family and work less?
  • To understand emotions and thinking?

The capability to actualise these is already inside of you, a life coach can help you see that. We are all born with the ability to live this way – we spend a lifetime getting away from that.

If these things resonate with you – I would love to have a conversation 0161 408 2874

If you want to start committing to yourself –
Contact a Certified Life Coach Now 0161 408 2874

or send us a message

What Life coaching is designed to achieve?

Life Coaching is designed to help you get a clear mind about how life works, to help you find peace and happiness You may need just need a life coach or help with relationship coaching, you may need to make a million $£ business decision, you may want to start a new business or transform your body or a mental health professional, whatever your idea is let’s have a conversation.

How life coaching can help you?

Often people come to a life coach with 1 idea but leave with another, so be prepared! you might change directions, people often realise they don’t actually want what it is they think they came for, sometimes we uncover a lot more than what was expected. I’d love to help you realise more than you came for in your personal or professional life.

How does life coaching work?

Life Coaching works with coaching sessions that explore presenting challenges, having a conversation, listening & being present, and gaining insights. We are just having a conversation, no pressure coaching will help you connect to yourself and help you realise that you had the answers inside all along. Often the realisation is that you don’t actually need a coach and that is a great realisation.

If you are the type of person who prefers to see clearly what happens, then I will outline it below:

  1. We clarify what you want – Through conversation, we get a clear pic of what you want to achieve and where you want to move towards. Having an honest look at where you think you are at currently.
  2. We assess where you are now – By this I mean we look at your reality and negative patterns. We see which ones of them are created by you and are real. We also see what is fixed, what is changeable we basically have an unbiased (as much as possible) view of where you are at, what your professional goals are.
  3. Is it true? – You may feel like you haven’t achieved anything but when you take an honest look at your successes, with a third eye on you, you have achieved a lot of things, you are successful!
  4. We check out your resources – for a meaningful life! Often it is not a lack of resources that hold us up, but a misunderstanding of our own resourcefulness, a life coach will help you get clear on your infinite potential for this.
  5. We reflect on progress – Taking time between sessions to reflect, how far your personal or professional life has come for example, to allow things to come up, to notice new experiences, things you didn’t see before is important. Sometimes insights don’t happen in the moment, they happen after coaching.
  6. We celebrate your achievements – It is so easy to take criticism for many of us and so uncomfortable to accept praise and acknowledgement. A life coach will help you to celebrate change.

If you want to start committing to yourself –
Contact a Certified Life Coach Now 0161 408 2874

What Life Coaching is not

There are many types of coaches out there for life coaching clients, motivational, self empowerment, NLP(neuro linguistic programming) or college educated, there are lots of life coaches who work from a book or specific model to help you make positive changes. Life coaching is not talking therapy, the difference is we focus on what is present rather than exploring the past. Sometimes people seek help, or come to coaching sessions a bit stuck rather than in a crisis, or they have goals, dreams ambitions that they are not fulfilling.

A life coach sometimes doesn’t work for people who are stuck in their intellectual mind, rationalising and making sense of everything trying to understand, many life coaches struggle with this. With transformative coaching, we help you see beyond the intellectual rational mind, and get an understanding of the psychology of mind and how it works, where personal success comes from.

What are Life Coaching Skills

This is a great question and there are probably a million answers because there are so many life coach courses. Here are some skills that are important:

  • To see beneath words
  • To be insightful
  • To be relational – non-judgemental
  • To ask great questions
  • To be supportive and encouraging
  • To lead and not be afraid to ask hard questions
  • To be present and to listen like an empty vessel
  • To see the client as innately whole, & healthy

Life Coaching FAQs

A Life Coach often doesn’t work for a few reasons, mostly that you don’t have the right coach! Even if you’re not ready or at a place to get coached, the right life coach will say this at the start. If you find yourself being unproductive or stagnant, it may be time to change your coach. It’s often worth considering the word “work” in the above question, your own perception and expectations can colour this so, if you feel this way, discuss with your coach. The Life Coaching industry is rife with unqualified people.

With the right life coach (there it is again) I am not saying I am the right coach, I am saying you follow your gut instinct. Coaching can be so helpful, I have witnessed people’s lives change unrecognisably in short periods – that is the reward of doing this work. Whether its career coaching, relationship coaching or you just need help with your professional life or personal fulfilment, a life coach can help.

Self Confidence is often a result not a requirement, you may have a misconception of the need for confidence to take action in life. So, the bottom line is this, looking at what you think confidence is and its use, I can definitely help you make progress in moving forward. The personal development and specific skills people seek through coaching sessions (not talking therapy) has many key benefits. While many coaches help people achieve just that one desire, transformative conversations are universal. They help with all areas of life.

Health is a massive part of my coaching, mental health as much as physical health. There is clearly a connection between the 2 and its often impossible to be both unhealthy in body and healthy in mind. I have worked with 1000s of clients on both mental and physical health and transformed my own.

As this is not an off the shelf product, I don’t work with just anyone. I am happy to give my time for free to speak to you if you are interested in coaching. So feel free to contact me, and book a conversation and we can see if any of what I offer is of use to you, if so and you are sure it makes sense, then we can discuss.

A licensed Therapist and a life coach can be 2 qualifications that are held by the same person. Often coaches advertise on the Life Coaching Directory also. While Business Coaches may specialise in business, Leadership coaches may specialise in leadership and other life coaches may have various qualifications. The 2 things are not the same yet they have similarities. The therapeutic relationship is always the most important, not the qualifications. Always seek out a reputable coaching practice. The coaching business is highly unregulated and many life coaches will not be qualified.

This is a great question, my coaching is transformative. That means your life, health, mind-set, emotional state can transform if you show up fully to the coaching. I coach from the belief that all people have the ability to be happy, to make the decisions they need, to be successful they are born with it, and somehow got convinced by life that its no longer present within them. I see your greatness and help you see it.

If you want to start committing to yourself –
Contact a Certified Life Coach Now 0161 408 2874

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Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure

– Tony Robbins

Those who are unaware they walking in darkness – will never seek the light

– Bruce Lee

Who looks outside dreams – Who looks insides awakens

– Carl Jung

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