Get Weight Loss Coaching With Jason Shiers

How a weight loss coach can help

Do you want:

  • To be free of dieting forever – no more thinking this is the next best thing
  • To be free of thinking about food – not worry about what to eat all the time
  • To be free of getting on the scales – mood dependant on a number
  • To find your ideal weight without trying so hard
  • To be content and have happy relationships

I am presuming you got here because you are looking for some life coaching help with your health and weight loss journey, Well that is why most people look for weight loss coaches :). To start with, the last thing you need is another diet, there are no shortcuts here, no ‘how to lose extra weight fast’ or ‘instant weight loss tips’ What we do is rip the plaster off, and see the real root cause of the inability to do what you want to do, and help you achieve all your goals.

I know you are busy, men and women, so let’s get straight down to it. Usually, clients come to me pretty twisted with strict diets and trying to lose weight, often a lifetime of attempting to change and rebounding back and forth to lead a healthy life, which is often called yoyo dieting. They are often critical weight watchers living a sedentary lifestyle.

The whole fitness industry is built around dealing with the symptom of a problem: weight gain, let me clarify something. Being overweight is not a physical issue, the physical part of it is the symptom of a problem. This is totally changeable with the right work and weight loss programs, deep inner change creates lasting outer change. You lose unwanted weight (fat) and gain healthy weight(muscle) as a result of going on an inner journey because any change you make at the symptom level will be only temporary. The deep inner work here leads to your ability to make the choices you want forever.

Jason Shiers
Jason Shiers

My name is Jason Shiers.

I will help you see that food is not the enemy, nor the issue to be fixed. We start to look at your relationship with food and diets and see what is in the way of you making the progress you want.

Coaching helps you see the things you cannot see yourself and find a simple, effortless way to change.

This way of looking at weight loss coaching uncovers things that have been blocking and controlling our whole lives, it is not a quick fix or a plaster on a bullet hole, it is a lifetime of change that comes simply when understood.

Are you willing to give yourself this gift?

Before and After

If you want to start committing to yourself –
Contact a Certified Life Coach Now 0161 408 2874

or send us a message

Satisfied Clients

“I worked with Jason over a period of 6 months on his weight loss coaching program, I had done many years of different types of weight loss but nothing had worked for me, I did not realize that my life was being driven by unconscious beliefs about myself things that had been driving the show my whole life. I started to realize why I couldn’t make decisions and stick them, the best decision I had ever made. ”
Cole F.

“Jason helped me overcome my diet frustration, diets had always frustrated me, and every attempt at weight loss had brought me to the same place, struggling that’s why I hated them. I Realised my mindset was the key to physical change working with Jason really cleared this up and gave me a new perspective. ”
Connie J.

“I had previously struggled with being consistent in my attempts to change my body, and as a result I always hated looking in the mirror. Working with Jason I realised my relationship with my mind and body was distorted and as this started to unfold, I got much clearer on my image of myself what I wanted, as a result I was able to stick to a plan and lose the weight I wanted to lose and get a new image of myself. ”
Angel F.

“I came to Jason because I hated my body image, I used to walk past shops checking myself out and feeling ugly and uncomfortable, it was painful at times. I realised how everything in my life that was not working out, money, relationships, family were all interconnected and this coaching changed everything. I wouldn’t say I am in love with myself but I like myself. ”
Bradley E.

Usually after you try to resolve things at the physical level, you fall off, then you do the following:

  1. Exercise more – wake up with a resolve to do an extra hour in the gym to resolve the action you took.
  2. Feel guilty – beat yourself up with a stick sometimes, saying how useless you are why can you never stick to things and reach your target weight.
  3. Diet harder – restrict yourself on your food intake follow a strict nutrition plan for a set period thinking it will offset the amount of crap you ate the day before
  4. Look for a different diet – Think somehow you got the physical aspect wrong and search frantically on google for a new weight loss solution that won’t make you fail.
  5. Binge further – you may get up next day and say ‘fuck it’ I’ve had a day off now may as well eat what I want, resulting in emotional eating and weight gain.

Or some combination of the above, you may do them all and I want to tell you there is another way. There is freedom from diets, freedom from guilt, you have no need to diet harder for fat loss and achieve your weight goals, you’re perfectly normal.

You’ve simply been way too exposed to society, peer pressure and installed faulty beliefs of others in your subconscious mind. All this can change there is a solution to achieving your fitness goals.

The Practical and the Physical Part of the Process

We work with you, you will always know your body better than anyone else and you will also know your medical and weight history things that have affected your weight in the past or in the present. The more information you can give us the better your outcome will be. We are not medical experts but we have people to recommend you to should you need further help. We want to make sure this will work for you, so we don’t use a blanket approach, or one size fits all.

Medical and Hormones

It is important if you have some medical history that has affected your weight, whether you have been put on medication, ladies for the menopause maybe or HRT and men on TRT or thyroid hormone for example these can all affect your body and hormone dysregulation will play a big part in your bodies ability to shed excess weight, and to build muscle. It will also affect your overall mood and attitude towards your goals. If you require help with your hormones or just to get a check and see if they are intact we can refer you to our preferred partner The Mojo Clinic, please ask when you reach out. The mental support for the hormone journey is also part of our programme.

Food and Nutrition

Your diet is your choice, we will not force you in a certain direction of what to eat. What we will help you with is to work out your BMR basal metabolic rate and your TDEE total daily energy expenditure and then we have a starting point for your calorie intake and goal, as well as a macro breakdown based on your diet of choice, whether it is paleo, Keto, Carnivore or vegan we really don’t want to force you in any particular direction. We can work with you on any of these to reach your goals.

We understand that everyone’s body works uniquely based on their past experiences. You may also find that once you work through the mental programme, you will be less stressed and more able to try new things with fewer reactions from the body. This has been a common theme with past clients. You would be surprised at the connection. For example, many clients have cleared up IBS and food intolerances based on their new understanding of the mind.

Do you really want to lose weight?

Often when we drill down, clients don’t want to lose weight, I know I didn’t I wanted what I thought weight loss would give me. Let me ask a couple of questions:

  • Why do you want to lose weight?
  • What do you think it will give you?

Now let’s have a look at that, I’ll put in some made up common answers

  • I want to be happy < the belief that a certain weight or shape will make you happy
  • I want a relationship < the belief that a certain weight or shape will get you a relationship
  • I want to be healthy for my kids > Why? > I want to spend more time playing with them > why? > that will make me happy

You see, what you really want is to be happy and to break free from the thoughts in your mind, what weight gain/loss means about you, but the faulty belief that losing weight will make you happy is what stops you from being happy! And stops you from losing weight! It gives you more stress and results in self-sabotage.

What is weight loss coaching designed to achieve

What if happiness is something that can be found within ourselves, here and now, without relying on external factors? As an accountability coach, I have had the pleasure of working with numerous clients who have successfully achieved this state of being. It fills me with joy when they excitedly call me to share their success and tell me that they have finally found true happiness. It is not dependent on food or dieting.

You too can experience this sense of freedom by breaking free from the obsession with food and weight loss, and by making positive changes to your overall health and nutrition habits. This is precisely what my weight loss coaching program aims to achieve. As a matter of fact, many of my clients come to me seeking weight loss but end up discovering something much more profound.

Does hiring an online weight loss Coach Work?

It really depends what you want from it. I am going to presume that you want to stop being obsessed with diets, lose weight, and change your mindset and emotions forever? Lead a happy life. Then in that case, yes it works, if you’re willing to put in the effort.

It is my expectation that you get a lot more than what you wanted in the first place. This isn’t the easiest route to take as it takes a commitment from you and some deep inner work, but I can assure you it’s the most rewarding, its everlasting and you can’t lose it once you have it. The answer is already inside of you. We just uncover it.

How does online weight loss coaching work?

Usually, it works totally the opposite of how you think, you come to coaching struggling with losing weight, having gone backwards and forwards and got to the point where you have said “ENOUGH!!! I am gonna get some help”.

That’s a great place to be because what you are essentially saying is, “I can’t find the answers to the problems I have with the same mind that created them”. This opens you up to the possibility there is another answer. an honest look at yourself & create So together, we will find why you are blocked from the answers you already hold inside of yourself. We will unpick the beliefs that have been installed in you, you will take new beliefs, you will take action, your life will change.

Most coaches are dealing with the symptom level and I address the root cause, coupled with finding a freedom from all of this. This change is for a lifetime it’s not the next quick fix.

If you want to start committing to yourself –
Contact a Certified Life Coach Now 0161 408 2874

How to benefit from online weight loss coaches

The best way to benefit from weight loss coaching is to drop all your installed understanding of what is involved in this process at the door, have an open mind. Show up willing to learn something new, not to judge the process and to think too soon this doesn’t work. It does take a process of willingness and trust.

I am sure telling you that this method is tried and tested and provides beyond miraculous life-changing results is not what is going to make you take action, but it’s true.

Miracles only happen if you believe in them!

Why weight loss coaching works

This process works because it is not reliant on willpower, trying to shoehorn your mind in a certain direction or force your body into submission, there is no pressure, no dealing with obsession or compulsion of the mind and body.

This is a transition out of dieting, weight-loss into a better life, as a side effect of this type of online coaching, you should be prepared for some or all of the following:

  • Being more present in relationships
  • Better more fulfilled relationships
  • Better parenting
  • More happiness
  • More contentment
  • More fun
  • Weight loss!!
  • Body transformation!

Yes, you read it right, weight loss is a result not a requirement, you lose weight and boost fitness levels as amazing results of the happiness, joy, contentment, peace that you get from this.

I often say:

" if you focus on the change you will lose the weight, if you focus on the weight, you will lose the change "

What health / weight loss coaching is not?

This is not a diet, quick fix, or easy solution. As a compassionate certified coach, I will not try to sell you magic pills or fluffy ideas and I won’t beat you into submission, shame or criticise you into changing. I suggest contacting me about this type of coaching if you are really up for a life-changing personal experience, if you’re ready to let go completely and have a new experience if you want total freedom and peace while living a sustainable lifestyle.

You can achieve all this without giving up your favourite foods and following fad diets. You can also work with a certified personal trainer alongside having a weight loss coach, we will guide you through what you need to know. Personal trainers often have clients lose weight, I have a personal trainer myself, but this coaching is a missing piece of the puzzle to make sustainable and life lasting.

Weight Loss /
Mindset Package

Weight Loss Coaching FAQs

If you think you are ready for the above life-changing process, and you can see the value passed the mass churned-out health coaching programs around, then give me a call we can have a powerful conversation and see if it’s a good fit for both of us. This is a completely bespoke solution tailored to you, there is no one size fits all resolve to this, human beings are all uniquely different, everyone.

I call myself transformative because all my coaching is focused on doing the deep inner work that drives every process or decision in life. This means I am deeply compassionate, I am insightful and help you see past the surface presentation of issues and how the manifest in your life, I believe in you fully, that means I help you bring out your own superhero, and change your own life. I am the catalyst. I have done this work for a long time, am unrecognisable myself from when I started and many of my clients have said the same thing, so don’t just take my word for it some of the testimonials are here (link).

The best place to start is your own mind because the physical aspect of weight gain/loss is a reflection of your own mind. Surprisingly for many people the ability to lose weight is centred on how happy they are, most people who want to lose weight are not happy, and believe that if they lose weight they will be happy, and this is just not true. So start with your mind.

It depends on what success means to you, you can do some extreme things to lose weight quickly for an event for example but if you really want to have results that stick for a lifetime, where you feel content, happy and not obsessed with changing your body, then a deeper understanding of yourself is needed, which will bring lasting, lifetime change.

There are many psychological reasons for weight gain, sometimes it is a protection method to an unconscious belief about who you are, so you have to start by looking into these beliefs that have been innocently created as protection methods about self. Weight loss that starts with the mind is a lifetime change, not a quick fix solution.

This is a strange question sometimes because it often feels that what you need is someone that understands nutrition to guide you, but my experience is that people who have been on endless know everything and more about nutritional values, I used to be able to look at a plate of food and list the macros, so I tend to see that when people see beyond their own mind created struggles they find it easy to adjust the nutrition for their body and find the one that fits.

If you want to start committing to yourself –
Contact a Certified Life Coach Now 0161 408 2874

Jason Shiers

Find out if Weight loss coaching is for you!

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