5 ways business coaching can help you drive more revenue

Business Coaching conversation

5 ways business coaching can help you drive more revenue

You may wonder what can business coaching really help me with, and there are so many things but it is not often the most obvious, or the things you think you want, many people come for 1 thing but leave with another, and I often say to clients, I hope you get what you want from this, but in a completely different way than you imagined.

Executive coaching can change your way of doing business and free you from the entrepreneurial journey myths. So, follow the five ways below that have the power to elevate your business to the next level.

  1. A Change in Perspective

    – We can’t see the eyes, doesn’t mean they are not there, this is fundamental foundation of the increase in revenue, in fact is a change in revenue even the goal? Could it be more fun, more enjoyment, better relationships that drive more revenue in the end with less effort?

    This is why the change in perspective comes first we get to sit back and take stock on if the actual goals are clear and do they make sense. With a change in perspective everything could look different. This comes about by a look into the functioning of our own mind, and how we see the world, often this coloured by our past experiences, our conditioning and this has a huge effect on how we show up, and how our business radiates outwardly from our beliefs about the world.

  2. Are you in this for the right reasons?

    – Many people start businesses for the financial benefits and purposes, they dream of big $$ in the bank, fast cars and big houses, and disguise that with the – giving the kids everything they want and security lines. The truth is that all kids want is your time, and all the money in the world cannot make you secure. I have lost count of the amount of people that came to me later in life with everything in life materially but no peace of mind or happiness in their lives, already having missed their kid’s upbringing.

    This is not to say you are not doing what you are doing for love and passion, enjoyment and fulfilment, but it’s really worth considering how much do you enjoy what you are doing, because passion and love will drive you business further and increase your revenue more than a love of money.

  3. Support and Relationships

    – No man is an island they say, what does this really mean? We are only as good as the support around us, this is often where a business coach comes onto the scene, when we have realised doing it alone is not going as smoothly as we imagine.

    But what about the people you currently have around you and your staff. Are your relationships nurturing and supporting you to grow into the best version of yourself, or are they draining you of your will to live? Does your support network give you advise, or do they provide an environment where you can learn safely and nurture your own unique potential in the world?

  4. Making fearful decisions

    Business coaching can support you in making the decisions that you need to make that are holding you back, often fears are the blockage to increased revenue, unknowing to the mind that doesn’t look deeper beyond the superficial everyday tasks. Sometimes people are paradoxical, they are the best asset and the heaviest weight for the business at the same time, and making hard decisions around hiring and positions where peoples expectations and pressures are at play can cause us to hold back on doing things that are important in the biggest picture.

    Whether you are an executive in a c-suite position making big decisions for a large corporate, or if you are a small business owner the fundamental fears that drive business decisions are the same, in fact, it wouldn’t matter if you were making a life changing or relationship, or family decision, the fears will be the same. Many people conceptualise and frame them differently to hide their misunderstanding of the human mind, and the fact that they havent’ yet come to see what is really at play.

  5. Employing the right staff

    – At this point you may have realised that everything in your business is a reflection of you, and sprouts from you outwardly. Or if you are an executive, then your whole department is a reflection of your own mind and your own beliefs. The staff you employ also, they will either challenge your belief system, or they will appease you and do as much as they have to get by, no one really wants to build someone elses dream they are all looking to get by or get a step up the ladder, so picking the right people and incentivising them, treating them like humans is super important.

    Business or Executive coaching can bring a whole new perspective to your business, and how you employ people. When I do interviews I have a mix of skill based questions but mostly and more importantly it’s about who you are and how you operate, what you believe in. Seeing between the words.

So, as you can see, business or executive coaching can bring so many different angles to your business that all affect revenue, the bottom line is always affected and limited by these areas, the good news is, they can easily be changed with the right support.

If you are interested in our business coaching packages please feel free to get in touch for a no obligation conversation about how we can help.

Jason Shiers
Hello. My name is Jason Shiers

Certified Transformative Coach with 25 years of experience helping people live a better life.

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